ISLE stands for Interaction Site Live Events!
Online call events as well as in person!
If you are interested to host ISLE meetings in your region of the world, please visit the “Earn additional months of membership” page for information about a partnership and free future membership. You can meet your local peers, grow together and host sessions with our guidance.
Before the opening of Interaction.Site to founding members, there were a few in-person ISLE meetings in places I (Patricia) visit.
For now, ISLE are free to attend and you’ll get follow-ups if you join Interaction.Site as a member.
ISLE are friendly and welcoming opportunities to discuss your business goals, enhance your online presence, and strategize for success. Connect, learn, and grow with us!
Upcoming events
Register below to receive our general news which include the next events.
Upcoming ISLE
Motivation sessions, let’s create together. Discussions about your goals, what are your paint points, how can we help each others, what do you want to learn, business forward, you first!
For now, ISLE are free, and by attending, you’ll even get a discount (maybe 100% the first year!? 😉 ) if you decide to become an Interaction.Site member (not mandatory). And it’s OK if your English is not perfect, same here!
The next event is announced soon…
Past events
2 December 2023
ISLE Coffee with Anne-Mieke

19 November 2023
ISLE meeting in Verona
A first event with like-minded peers!!
Thank you Mario, Lidia, Margherita, Luisa! (left to right)

August-November 2023:
Feedback and help received at events and meetings with various developers and business owners (in Geneva, Lausanne, Washington, Biarritz, Madrid) and first “low-key ISLE meetings”.
(Thank you Michelle, Florian, Erick, Javier, Pierre)